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  • People like you.

    We hire

    A collaborative and transparent approach—does that describe how you work? Then we should get along well.


    We are looking for

    Business Central Expert Consultant

    Project Delivery Director

    A few words about Nexus and the job

    Nous recherchons présentement un.e Directeur·rice de livraison de projets qui aura comme but d’assurer le succès, la rentabilité et la santé des équipes.

    Software Developer – Intern (Fall 2024)

    A few words about Nexus and the job

    Chez Nexus, nous avons 3 saveurs différentes pour représenter notre expertise technique : back-end, front-end et infrastructure. Tu as un profil unique et que tu as des intérêts et des forces différentes de tes autres collègues, il se peut que tu aies une saveur dominante ou encore un niveau différent. Peu importe ton profil, tu seras reconnu pour ton expertise, mais il sera attendu de toi que tu touches un peu à tout ainsi qu’à toutes les phases d’un projet logiciel.

    Our favorite
    perks ❤️

    We believe that the well-being of each and every employee is essential to that of a company and its customers. That’s why we take it seriously.


    Because physical and mental health for you and your family are important to us.

    Fitness activity costs reimbursed

    Because we believe that nothing beats a healthy mind in a healthy body.

    Unlimited flexibility

    Because who better than you to decide when you need to take a break.

    Professional development costs reimbursed

    Because we care about growing human potential and helping our employees thrive.

    Let's get acquainted
    Want to learn more and/or collaborate with us?

    We can't wait to hear from you.